Dimanche 25 octobre 2009 à 12:43
Partie chercher un marteau pour casser ces murs.
Je ne veux plus jouer ni sourire.
Mercredi 21 octobre 2009 à 15:18
I'm not coming out until this is all over. Like in a bubble, a simply personal porcelaine sphere, nobody can brock.
Mardi 20 octobre 2009 à 10:01
elle chaloupe dans les fleurs, balance entre terre et ciel
infiniment elle rêve
et son âme s'envole, sa robe se retrousse
le soir elle tourne sous les étoiles
l'imagination ne vient pas sans rien
Mardi 13 octobre 2009 à 16:43
Alone again.
I haven't been with myself for a long time. I was flowing far from myself, avoiding my eyes in the mirror. I tried my best not to live, not to feel. Full from sadness that I don't wanted to accept. And now? How is it suppose to follow? Will it continue? Will I empty my heart, empty my stomack in order to clean myself?
It's been more than a month that I've not written anything. I don't wanted to realize, I just wanted to photograph, to capture the best memories. And now? I'm letting them go, weakly. I'm not happily strong. I can't find my feelings. I just feel sadly empty, risking a second soul coma.
And finally, we'll all become silhouettes.
"Belong to someone, someone I used to know."